Thursday, January 16, 2014

Future Frankenstein, 5.2

The challenge: Create the Frankenstein monster and his bride as if they had been created in the future.

My concept: I wanted to keep the Victorian style to their look and keeping the original shapes of their bodies, but doing it with body pieces that are more futuristic. This couple wanted to have their love last throughout time, so they used their large amounts of wealth to pay a plastic surgeon to preserve their bodies and keep them youthful forever. He removed their extra skin. and, fashionably, stitched it to their bodies to resemble high end clothes. The surgeon then applied pieces of technology that would send a current through the skin cells constantly to keep them alive.

For this challenge, it was especially funny to see what my designs had in common with those of the contestants. Several of us used similar background stories, or had similar technological appliances on our characters.

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