Thursday, January 16, 2014

My name is Ryan, and I'm a Face Off addict...(hi Ryan)

Here's everything you have ever wanted to know about me in a single blog post:

Name: Ryan Straut
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Place of Origin: Florida...then Wisconsin...then Minnesota...and now Indiana

Occupation: Student
Hobbies: Singing, dancing, drawing, digital design, photography, watching movies
College: Purdue University
Major: Computer Graphics Technology
Minor(s): Forensic Science, Theater

What the hell am I doing with this plan of study?
Excellent question. I have always said, "It's not that I don't know what I want to do; there is so much I could do, I don't want to limit myself with a choice." I stick by that.
In high school I was in everything: choir, theater, art, broadcasting, student government, speech, anatomy, genetics, psychology, etc. I was interested in so much that I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to learn more about it. 
In college, I have done the same. I am performing with the world renowned Purdue Varsity Glee Club, editing and hosting the #1 College Broadcast in America, Fast Track, and am balancing some weird areas of study. 

Where have I worked?
Between my classes, I have thought about pursing Graphic Design, Broadcast Graphics, Forensic Photography/Imaging, Medical Simulation Animation, Music Video Directing, and so much more on the spectrum that involves "graphic arts".
And I hope to have my hand in all of it at some point. 
But my resume is not boring by any means in its current state; I have interned for 543 Design Group, BNY Mellon in Indianapolis, the United States Secret Service, and most recently, the Chicago Winter Company litigation graphics group. 
I am always doing little projects here and there for friends and organizations on campus, but I cannot wait to get my hands dirty working full-time for an organization. 

Do I have any pets?
1 very old yellow lab named Max. We used to have a cat named Simba, but he ate the dog food all the time, got huge and ended up with diabetes. The dog, in-turn, would not eat his food and is very thin.

We renamed them "Chunk" and "Skeletor"; sounds like a match made in heaven!

Who is my favorite superhero?
Tough question. Favorite conventional superhero would have to be Spider-Man. Cliche, but the idea of Peter Parker leading this dual life as a witty webslinger really inspired my inner nerd. So much so, that at my preschool graduation, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, and I said Spider-Man. 

What "fandom" do you most belong to?
Power Rangers. Hands down. (I wish Siri came with a Zordon voice)

Are there any more questions you can think of to answer right now?
Nope...otherwise, I would've just kept writing


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Ryan,
    I am so ridiculously in love with your Face Off Sketch blog. Your drawings and creativity are so amazing that it inspired me to start doing the same for every episode of season 7. Thanks to you, i am far more confident in my abilities as a sketch artist. I would have emailed you but i don't know it. Thanks again!!

    - huge fan, Blaise Avey

  3. Blaise, I am sorry I just now saw this. That is so great to hear! Would love to see the works that you have put together sometime. I am humbled that I was able to inspire you at all to take on this project.

    All the best,
