Thursday, January 16, 2014

Trick or Treat, 5.6

The challenge: Revamp one of the following classic Halloween costumes: Vampire, Devil, Skeleton, Clown, or Scarecrow.

My concept: So this was the first challenge where I asked for help; I posted on Facebook the challenge and had my friends vote on which character they wanted to see me revamp, and whether it should be male or female.

The female scarecrow got the most votes for being unique, so my concept is pretty dark: A farmer takes his step-daughter out into the cornfields, ties her to a stake and assaults her. He leaves her planted firmly in the ground with a bag hiding her face for the birds to pick away at what is left of her starving body. With one ounce of strength left, she pulls her post loose and falls to the ground, slowly crawling towards the house...

When I posted the results on Facebook after teh vote, everyone was very impressed and disturbed at what I had created.

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