Monday, May 5, 2014

Cry Wolf,6.14

The challenge: Create a werewolf that would battle your previously created vampire.

My concept: My vampire originated from Indian lore, so I made sure that my werewolf had similar characteristics. The "Yaksha" in Hindu folklore tells of a beautiful woman transforming into a wolf-demon, so I allowed that legend to inspire my design. The vampire had very sharp talons that he would use to disembowel his victims. The Yaksha has protective plates across its abdomen to protect itself, and it's tail is ridged to use like a blade when attacking. I wanted both of my designs to be similar to Indian masks, and I kept several of the same design elements from my vampire in my werewolf (elongated skull, plated forehead, plated arms, etc).

Here they are side-by-side for you to compare. Who do you think would win?

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