Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Miss Intergalactic, 8.9 / Super Selfies, 8.10

Seth and I just returned from Spring Break, so that is why we are a little behind. BUT this means you get to see twice the concepts this week, and we made it worth your wait!

The FIRST challenge: 
Select a galaxy and create an alien contestant who hails from there to compete in the Miss Intergalactic beauty pageant.

Our FIRST concepts: 
Seth and I always seem to think similarly! Both of us picked aquatic inspired characters, and when we started sketching, they had very similar head structures. The Whirlpool Galaxy has harsh winds, lots of heat, but also blasts of cold. I thought the harshest environments like that on Earth are the desert and the deep ocean, so I wanted this species to be based on coral and sea slugs; these organisms can survive those rough climates and still look beautiful.
Seth created a member of an amphibious species that inhabits the Tadpole Galaxy. Because the galaxy suffered a collision many years ago, all of the species that live there have rapid adaptive abilities. This species grew very focused on outward appearance and believe that a long head-tail is a sign of true beauty. This is also the FIRST FEMALE concept Seth has done, so kudos there! haha

The SECOND challenge: 
Transform YOURSELF into an extraordinary superhero or super villain.

Our SECOND concepts: 
So this challenge is totally up our alley, but we have asked ourselves the "what superpower would I have?" question too many times. And AGAIN, Seth and I both thought of doing something water inspired. But after we just did aquatic beauty pageant contestants, we thought we better avoid aquatic superheroes. So I took inspiration from the Power Rangers (my favorites) and wanted to create a hero that worked on a team that combines animals' natural abilities and technology. My alter-ego, "Velocity", engineered his power suit to mimic the speed of the Cheetah, the Peregrine Falcon, and the Black Marlin. His suit allows him to traverse at hyper-speed across air, land, and sea.
Seth transformed himself into the magma mutant, Firestorm. His body is superheated to 2,192 °F and cools as it is exposed to air, giving him a hardened exoskin. The tubing in his armor pumps high-pressure propane to his extremities where the heat from his body will ignite the gas.

Also, we morphed LOL

As always, feedback is welcome! Sorry for being away for a week, but hopefully you enjoyed double the artwork. Critiques and comments are appreciated! We love hearing from you guys!
Expect to see us on Twitter @RyTy18 and @seth842.
 Give us a shout out and a RT to share with your friends!

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