Tuesday, August 18, 2015

9.3, Surprise of the Century

What an incredible milestone! Congratulations to such a fantastic show and thank you for inspiring artists like us all over the world.

Our favorite look was hands down the Beauty and the Beast Cat makeups. Not only were the yarn wigs/horns phenomenal, but the cat strapped down to the top of the head was perfect! So creative, so fun, way to go guys!

The challenge: 
Inspired by real couples, create a whimsical and macabre duo that reflects their love.

Our concepts: 
This challenge was not really one that thrilled us from the beginning, BUT we made it work. Both Seth and I talked to our some of our close friends that are very much in love. Tarah and Carolyn talked about their love for travel, gazing up at the moon, and singing. Tarah represents the Gypsy character, who sings a beautiful lullaby every night as she looks up at the moon. The Night (Carolyn), falls in love with the Gypsy and her voice, and allows her to die in her sleep so that the Gypsy may join her in the sky for eternity with the most beautiful view of the moon. Seth's couple loved being active, spending time outdoors, and enjoying nature. His couple was hiking when she tripped over a rock. As she started to tumble over the edge, she reached for her fiance and he took her hand as they both fell to their deaths. The plants at the bottom started to grow around them and they were bound for all time to one another.

Every night in October, I will be sharing 1 of 30 HALLOWEEN CHARACTER MAKEUPS!
It has been a huge project, but I am so excited for you all to see them! Cannot wait. 
The looks will be shared on my page at https://www.facebook.com/RyanStrautFX

As always, feedback is welcome!
Expect to see us on Twitter @RyTy18 and @seth842.
 Give us a shout out and a RT to share with your friends!


  1. Dear Ryan,

    I was wondering if i could have your permission to post my favorite sketches you made onto a pinterest page. I just wanted to get your permission before doing so. Of course, i'll mark your name so your'e properly credited.

    -Blaise Avey, huge fan :)

    1. Blaise,

      Great to hear from you! We appreciate you following us all this time and love that you are such a fan!! That would be so cool! Please share the page with us, we would love to see which ones you have enjoyed the most. Can't wait to check it out!

      Wishing you all the best,
      Ryan Straut & Seth Miller

  2. Dear Ryan,

    I was wondering if i could have your permission to post my favorite sketches you made onto a pinterest page. I just wanted to get your permission before doing so. Of course, i'll mark your name so your'e properly credited.

    -Blaise Avey, huge fan :)
