Tuesday, August 4, 2015

9.1, Intergalactic Zoo

And we are off to a great start! 
First of all, what an INCREDIBLE feat for all of the season 9 competitors to even attempt to tackle! For a minute, I thought I was flashing back to Jim Henson's Creature Shop Challenge for a minute! Great job guys! Especially to Ben and Jordan, we loved your creature's color scheme and overall appearance; way to go!

The challenge: 
Inspired by a natural artifact, create an alien animal that utilizes two models to puppet the creature.

Our concepts: 
I selected the herbivore jaw because I thought that this concept could evolve into a really beautiful animal. I drew inspiration from fish, butterflies, giraffes, deer, and gazelles, and wanted to create a really magnificent and proud quadruped. This tall creature uses its bright colors as a mating display and to determine who among the herd is the alpha who will lead them to safety. While they are rather tall to reach up to higher food sources, their legs are short by comparison, and are not the fastest animals on their world.
Seth chose the schorl tourmaline mineral combination and created a magnificent armored beast. This rhino-like alien has a hide hard as rock with bony armor extending beyond its back, ribcage, and skull. This is to protect it from taller and more aggressive prey. However, this species is rather protective. They will shape their thick horns by bashing them against rocks repeatedly. Interplanetary gatherers covet their prized horns for its deep beauty.

And here is how the inner workings of the creature suit might look.

If you are interested in following more of our works beyond just the sketches and  into the world of makeup, check out my page at https://www.facebook.com/RyanStrautFX

As always, feedback is welcome! This was a fun start, and we can't wait to see the sirens tonight!
Expect to see us on Twitter @RyTy18 and @seth842.
 Give us a shout out and a RT to share with your friends!


  1. What exactly happened to your drawings for full steam ahead

    1. Nicolas, that is a great question. I edited right over them like my Mom did over my Power Rangers Zeo VHS as a kid hahahaha

      I will have to re-upload the pictures and that post sometime later on, but the concept art can still be found on my FX Facebook page.

  2. Wow both are amazing. Are you good at makeup? I bet you'd be great at it.

    1. Jenna! Thanks for your positive feedback! Much appreciated!
      I am a freelance FX artist and still have a lot to learn, but the Face Off community has been incredibly helpful and encouraging to me. Feel free to check out my work at https://www.facebook.com/RyanStrautFX and like it to see updates
