Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Child's Play, 10.2

You know how every now and then, there are those Face Off challenges that fall a little flat?

This was one of those.

Now don't get me wrong, the creative team over at Mission Control Media has the HUGE task of continually coming up with new challenges for these artists, and boy, are they able to deliver. This one was fun because of the guest judge, but you could feel the competitors struggling for did we.

However, the Watch Guard stood out above the rest! Anna...keep up the good work girl, we love it and MEL!! I hope you are proud of yourself because you are so talented! And you can't help but fall in love with your personality! Definitely one of our favorites this season, keep up the good work :)

The challenge: 
Paul Reubens appears when the artists work in teams to create a whimsical makeup based on an oversized toy

Our concepts: Soooooo naturally I was drawn to the Crayon box (pun intended) and trying to take in some of the judge's advice about not creating a singular crayon, I wanted to create a very colorfully Crayola-inspired man. I thought part of what made the Watch Guard so successful and translate so well to children's show characters was his realistic paintjob on a stylized face. I pulled some of that into my character while giving him some more colorful freckles and eye makeup (since he is a crayon after all). Seth went for the Race Car and created a blue speedster! The wheels on his boots and arms I think are a really great detail and the slick shape of the helmet is very action-figure like. Could definitely see this guy in the toy chest!

Pumped to see the sound creations tonight. The last sound bite challenge is one of our most viewed concepts (Sounding Off, 8.5), so we hope this next challenge will be even more popular!

As always, share your thoughts! We love that we are getting to know the Season 10 family and you are starting to interact with us more. Find us on Social Media, give us a shoutout, and as always, keep up the incredible work!

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