Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lost Languages, 10.3 / Covert Characters, 10.4


Technically it was the cable that broke, but I am waiting for my new cable to arrive. That means I was a little behind on our sketches and I had to go back to the stone ages and break out my colored pencils...I now remember why I don't use those very often. Mostly, I miss my Photoshop brushes and I hope by next week I am back up and running.

There were a lot of great makeups in the last couple of weeks! We were big fans of Rob and Walter's feline warrior and Rob's unassuming older man. Way to go ROB!!

Disclaimer: We did not forget about Covert Characters...we had a surprise disguise makeup planned already a few months from now, and thought we would just circle back to it in real life!

The challenge: 
Create a long-lost race inspired by an artifact and unique language created by David Peterson.

Our concepts: I picked the octopus vase artifact, and felt it was very Mediterranean feeling, and that the language had lots of sass and lip smacking. I wanted my creature to be Atlantean, inspiring the lore around that area of the world, and have multiple aquatic elements to his face, most importantly, big fishy lips for smacking. The tentacles coming off the back of his head are measured against other males of the species to determine who is the strongest and healthiest. This one is still maturing, so he isn't the biggest or strongest member and gets a little flippant, as heard in his audio track.
Seth was also inspired to create a feline warrior character. This mountain cat race is fierce and ferocious, as echoed in their harsh "k" sounds, which are similar to the hissing of a cat.

As always, share your thoughts! We love that we are getting to know the Season 10 family and you are starting to interact with us more. Find us on Social Media, give us a shoutout, and as always, keep up the incredible work!

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