Monday, January 30, 2017

Abstract Aliens, 11.1


I am so excited to see so many of my favorite artists back in action, and it is too cool to have had the pleasure of working with and meeting so many of you! No need for introductions here, you know how this works; always looking for feedback, comments, and critiques, so please share your thoughts on the design and the execution so we can continue to grow as artists and designers.

The challenge: 

Inspired by unusual aquatic creatures, create an intergalactic alien makeup utilizing green screen technology

SIDE NOTE: To Mission Control Media, Dwight, and the whole production team at Face Off: A+.
Thank you so much for focusing in on what life on set can be like for this season. Even though this is a reality competition that is very different from the day-to-day as a makeup artist, working in pairs continually and building that team is so realistic, as well as pairing practical effects with technology. Way to come out of the gate strong, I love the direction this season is headed!

My concept: While I have to stand strong by my FXU prof, Stella, her and Jasmine had a tough time with that helmet jelly, so I wanted to take a stab at it. I love how it has that distinctive red organ shape inside of its translucent body, along with lots of bioluminescence. I also read that most of them swim upside down with their underside towards the surface, so I wanted to pull that into my design to create an interesting cowl and silhouette.

 Here is a more detailed view of the face design, which I wanted to hint at humanoid, but still keep very distant and alien.

Top Looks of the Week

Tyler and Emily's dragonfish alien and Logan and Adam's octopus alien. I thought the use of the green paint to bring in the sides of the model's figure on the dragonfish was a smart use of the green screen without overdoing it. I also liked the thinking behind the arms, but the shapes in the face and extensions create a really beautiful form. Nice job! And Logan and Adam created this sci-fi masterpiece with very traditional alien shapes done in a fresh way. I like the fusion of organic and mechanical material and I think the muscles in the neck sculpture are a nice hint at the anatomy underneath the suit. Great work guys!

Looking forward to the Angels and Demons!!
Cannot wait to see what you have in store this week! Be sure to tweet and comment on Instagram!

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